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Family Child Care Association of New York State
This website is the official website of the New York State Family Child Care Association and provides information for registered and licensed family child care providers.
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Parents and providers can obtain information on accreditation and national standards for quality child care from this website.
Help Me Grow WNY
A free resource for families of children ages 0-5 years. The program can help with answering questions, connections to resources, free developmental screenings, parenting information and groups, social-emotional development and activities to keep your child on track.
A free and confidential service which helps connect people to a variety of services and agencies. WNY 2-1-1 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with a representative who will assist you.
Child Care Aware of America
Child Care Aware of America promotes national policies and partnerships to advance the development and learning of all children and provides vision, leadership, and support to Community Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. This website provides much information on child care advocacy issues.
Office of Children and Family Services
Parents and providers can access policy statements, regulations, handbooks, and other resources necessary to operate a licensed or registered child care program.
Early Childhood Education and Training Program
This website is the former State University of New York website. This website for providers offers Education Incentive Program information, information on Medication Administration Training, State University of New York teleconferences and other types of required training for child care providers. Providers can access Educational Incentive Program applications and Medication Administration Training applications on this website. Providers can access an online child care video library, and register for a video conference.
Consumer Safety Commission
Parents and providers can access this website to obtain a list of all of the items that have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Birth Injury
This website includes information for parents on birth injures.
Early Care & Learning Council
A statewide organization that works to increase the quality, affordability and capacity of the early care and learning field and does so through training and technical assistance, data management and advocacy initiatives. Their programs are provided to and in partnership with our network of local Child Care Resource & Referral programs across New York State.
Click here for the Early Care & Learning Council Policy Vision.
The New York State Association for Infant Mental Health (NYS-AIMH)
The New York State Association for Infant Mental Health (NYS-AIMH) founded in April of 2015, is a professional organization and home for specialists across disciplines whose work is relationship-based and supports the developmental and emotional well-being of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents.
The goals are to support and promote the creation and development of Infant Mental Health multidisciplinary specialists, increase public awareness of the needs of babies within a relational context, create inclusive collaborations with statewide stakeholders to advance policies based on the latest science of infant and early childhood development that promote optimal development for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families throughout New York State.
Pinnacle Community Services
This website has information on Domestic Violence Services, Healthy Families Niagara, Mental Health Services, Runaway and Youth Services, and Family Counseling Services.
WNY Infant Toddler Resource Network
Parents and providers can access this website to obtain articles on providing care to infants and toddlers. Connections to web links which assist with the care of infants and toddlers are available. An infant toddler specialist can answer questions by sending an email from this site.
Internal Revenue Service
A provider may download a Dependent Care Provider’s Identification and Certification form (W-10) and obtain valuable information related to business practices for child care providers.
New York State Community Action Association
This website provides advocacy information on public policy and provides legislative support on behalf of all Community Action Programs in New York State.
Department of Health
This website provides information to parents and providers about measures to minimize the risk of infection for children.
Parents and providers can obtain information on immunization schedules, childhood illnesses and infectious diseases.
Child Care Resource and Referral programs for other counties
Child Care Resource and Referral program in Erie County
Child Care Resource and Referral program in Orleans & Genesee County
Child Care Resource and Referral program in Wyoming, Cattaraugus and Allegheny county
This website is for the Child Care Resource and Referral program in Chautauqua County

Links to local colleges
Niagara County Community College –
Erie Community College –
Niagara University –
Buffalo State College –
University at Buffalo –
Empire State College –
Daemen College –
Links to Niagara County Policy Makers
U.S. Senators
Senator Charles E. Schumer –
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand –
Representatives in Congress
Congresswoman Claudia Tenney – 24th District-
Congressman Brian Higgins – 26th District –
New York Senate
NY State Senator Robert Ortt- 62nd District –
Members of Assembly
Assemblyman Michael Norris-144th District-
Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello-145th District-